
Frequently Asked


What technologies do you guys work on?

  • We work on all current and trending technologies, including web and mobile app development.
  • Web: ReactJS, NodeJS, Laravel, PHP, WordPress, Magento, CakePHP, Zend, ASP.NET, Codeignitor, AngularJS.
  • Mobile: iOS native, Android native, flutter, React Native.
  • What is the difference between Cross-platform development and Native App development?

  • We use the default language and framework for iOS and Android, namely Objective C/ Swift with xCode for iOS and JAVA and Kotlin with Android Studio for Android.
  • Cross-platform technology provides a framework in which coding is done once, but the app can be deployed on iOS, Android, and Windows phones.
  • What is the distinction between the MEAN and LAMP stacks?

  • MEAN is a database, back-end coding, and front-end coding combination that stands for MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and NodeJS.
  • LAMP is an acronym that stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP, which is an open-source proven technology for developing server-side coding.
  • Which platform should we focus on? Is it better to use iOS or Android, or both?

  • Given the increasing popularity of both iPhones and the most recent Android smartphones, we recommend launching the product on both platforms.
  • Should I have a website with all of the same features as the application?

  • It is not required to have a website with the same features as the application. You can start with a one-page website and work your way up to app development. When you gain traction, you can create a responsive website with the same features as the application.
  • Will my website function and look good across all devices and desktop operating systems?

  • Yes, we will create a responsive website using the most recent CSS 3 to ensure that it looks good in all desktop browsers as well as mobile devices and operating systems.
  • Can I review the code during the development process?

  • We do not provide source code before payment completion to protect our rights. We can still provide you with an image of one or two coding chunks to ensure your satisfaction.
  • How much does it cost to open a developer account with Apple and Google?

  • You must pay $99 per year to open an Apple developer account.
  • You must pay $25 once for an Android developer account.
  • What should my server requirements be?

  • The server company and server parameters can be defined based on traffic expectations, with prices ranging from $10 USD to $100 USD per month.
  • Should we support both the iOS iPad version and the Android tablet version?

  • Yes, if your budget allows it, you should have a specialized iPad and tablet app.
  • Would you help us to create a developer account?

  • Yes, we will walk you through the process of entering account information and agreeing to payment terms to complete the developer account sign-up.
  • What will happen to my app with new OS releases on both iOS and Android?

  • With new OS releases, you should first test the app in the new OS and document any issues. Once completed, you should contact the development company that created it so that they can provide a quick solution. Apple and Google do disseminate solutions for deprecated methods and functions.
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